Saturday, October 13, 2007

Stickfight 9, some Ultimate Teams

Alright, these are a couple logos for imaginary Ultimate Frisbee teams (it's a neat project of a friend of mine named Evan). The teams are the Tampa Bay Seraphim and the New York Majestics.

The Tampa Bay Seraphim:

And the New York Majestics

And I've finished stickfight 9. Here it is, along with the updated "full battle":

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


OK, here's the deal. Although I have a lot more than I've posted, I've felt (and I'm sure you have too) that the actualy comic strip is not that funny. What I really like doing are the random doodles and the stickfights, so that's what you'll get.

Here I have a patchwork of the first 8 pages of the main stickfight, all the parts that make it up, and a couple stickfights that aren't part of the main one (read: appear on HW and notes).

Check out past the main stickfight posts for some other great ones that aren't from the identical battle (but the same war or whatever)

First, a reposting of the guide:

Following that up, there's the super large combination of all 8 existing (so far) main stickfight pages. wouldn't let me upload it full size, so check out the individual pages (below) for more detailed images of particular parts.
And the separate pages (note: page one has already been posted...this is a repost):


Page 2:

Page 3:

Page 4:

Page 5:

Page 6:

Page 7:

Page 8:

Battle of the Behaviorism Notes:

Tree Chopper Trap:

Crossbows vs. Imps: The Calculus-HW Conflict

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Ultimate Rejection Letter; Doodle pages

The Ultimate Rejection Letter
Note: I found this here
This letter had me laughing so hard!

Herbert A. Millington
Chair-Search Committee
412A Clarkson Hall, Whitson University
College Hilla, MA 34109

Dear Professor Millington,
Thank you for your letter of March 16. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me an assistant professor position in your department.

This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of candidates, it is impossible for me to accept all refusals.

Despite Whitson's outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet my needs at this time. THerefore, I will assume the position of assistant professor in your department this august. I look forwards to seeing you then.

Best of luck in rejecting future applicants.

Chris L. Jensen

And now for the doodles...

This one has no meaning whatsoever, but I REALLY like the rollercoaster. I'm not sure what about it is so fascinating to me, because it's not particularly detailed or anything, but I still like it.

The following doodles are from a project a friend of mind is doing. He was bored, so he made names for potential teams for a major league ultimate association. He had drawn a few of the pictures and asked me to help. He has one of my best ones with him, for the "Blades", but I'll find out if I can borrow it for a day to be scanned in.

The Cleveland Hounds:The D.C. Law:The Phoenix Burn:

And last, and possibly least, the Seattle Thorns

Monday, May 7, 2007

More random stuff!

Alright, people, I've finally gotten around to posting a few more of my doodles...I haven't had much time because if AP and SAT: Subject Test studying, which kinda sucks.

This one I did after finishing my English HW, as you can probably guess from the Huck Finn notes in the middle. I'm not really sure WHAT that thing in the middle of the bottom is. I think it started as a robotic-ish helmet, but then became mummy-ish. Whatever. The guy in the bowler hat in the middle reminds me of the monopoly guy, even though they don't look the same at all.

This guy down here is from the back page of a long history assignment. I started in the top left with a bit of hte stick-battle, but then I decided to draw some simple perspective. It was pretty neat. The perspective is all heading towards that point in the middle, which I made extra big so it's easy to see.
Last, but far from least, is a page-filling doodle done in pen, which I think is the first pen doodle I've posted. I did this one during spanish, on a worksheet we didn't have assigned (it was next to the homework assignment), for those who can't recognize the language.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Flashmob video

For those who don't know, a flashmob is a group of people who meet while dressed like regular people to do something together at a given signal. Some famous examples include hundreds of people dancing to the same song on their MP3 players starting at the exact same moment (and then walking away as if it never happened), or this video here.

The translations for what the people say are:
- For the 1st and 2nd guys, they shout: "There's a tsunami!!" (tsunami da!)
- For the 3rd guy they shout: "That's the guy!!" (koitsu da!)
- Nothing for the 4th guy
- Last scene: "Watch out!! (danger)" (abunai!)

Monday, April 23, 2007

TOABN 25, a few random doodles

Well, long time no see, people. I haven't posted in a while because of school vacation last week. In addition, I feel that this blog is for posting the doodles; I don't want to make myself doodle for the sake of the blog. Today I've got TOABN 25, and several other pages of random doodles.

TOABN 25 reveals something that I didn't even realize was the case until I wrote this strip...the link between Nate's mask tails and his mood. It just evolved on its own as I drew the thing.

The first of these random doodle pages is the first one I've posted that's in pen, I believe. This page started with the word "YO!" at the top, and then just got out of control. One thing I really liked was the spider web near the middle of the left side.
EDIT: BTW, I know that that face with the guy and the baseball cap looks really, really stupid.This is from doodling randomly while studying (it helps me concentrate), and I couldn't help but draw a tank and make a "luftwaffle" joke. I'm sure it's been done before, but I was bored and I had a pencil, so I drew it.

This Cold War thing is from the top of some notes on the Cold War, as a title. I'm not sure if it really counts as a doodle, but I liked it, because it got across the effect of the letters being made of snow (as I intended).
This one is actually pretty small in real life, just about three inches tall.
The first cartoon on this page was, as I wrote on it, inspired by a real quote from my biology teacher, Mr. Snow. The Spanchese one was inspired by a friend saying to me in Spanish class that, due to his recent trip to China, he keeps mixing up Spanish and Chinese (he takes both languages).

This one is my favorite of the bunch, because of the cartoon on the lower half. The picture on the top was the start of drawing some sort of futuristic helmet.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Huck Finn doodle

This doodle was done on one a set of notes on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I drew it after finishing the chapter, because I was taking a break before doing Bio. It started with that weird robot-lasercannon-spider-thing in the top left. The tail on that thing took a while, but I'm happy with the result. The snake is just a very quick sketch (~10 seconds). The thing in the middle with the smaller and smaller ovals was me screwing around with perspective. I ended up making it into a pond covered in lily-pads or something, but it started with just receding circles. The weird thing of domes and whatnot in the middle of the right side has no particular basis that I can think of,. The ball hovering over the staff was me doing a quick sketch with shading. Finally, that comic strip in the bottom right was a VERY roughly sketched bit with Nate the Ninja bursting through a window.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


You may have noted that I haven't posted in the last several days. The reason is the Jewish holiday of Passover (Pesach), which my family celebrates. However, the time-consuming part of it is over now, so posts should get back to normal.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


TOABN 23 is pretty neat, and almost artistic. It certainly was fun to draw. They're in the crow's nest of the USS Junk. Note that Alfred is taking his mead/beer/ale/grog/whatever in a teacup!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh Yeah! (a doodle)

I started "Oh Yeah!" with the head of the jumping guy. The shape of it, and to some extent, the hair, was definitely because I was thinking of Penny Arcade at the time, but after that it went on to my own style. The only other influence of Penny Arcade was probably the focus on videogames...
As for the eyeball, it doesn't have to do with anything. I had drawn that before starting the "Oh Yeah!" comic, since I love drawing eyes.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More Eddie Izzard!


I love Danny's ship!

Monday, March 26, 2007

TOABN 21, Some Not-Too-Fear-Inspiring Warcries

Here's number 21, kicking off the week with a nice bit of combat!
Followed by a severe anticlimax mixed with...cutting-in-halfing!!!

And now for a doodle I did friday, titled "Some Not-Too-Fear-Inspiring Warcries."

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Biology Doodle, TOABN 20

This is based on something my teacher said in Bio today. My teacher was talking about how some scientists get very heated about opposition to their hypotheses...and this was the result. Below it, on the same page, is TOABN 20!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Not much to report's the strip. Note the neat looking "19" to the left

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Hey people! I have for you the eighteenth in the TOABN series. Yes, that's drama so strong its palpaple, in the second panel. Now this is strange! I wonder how they know one another? Actually, no, I don't, but YOU do!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Rowan Atkinson Live

A while back Rowan Atkinson had a live performance at Boston University. He's incredibly hilarious! He's a great comedian, but he's most famous for his Mr. Bean comedy movies.

TOABN 17, History class doodle

Hey people! Weekend was pretty hectic, and Friday saw us with some serious snow (unfortunately not early enough to cancel school). Anyways, I know you don't give a damn about that, so here's the comic:
I wonder what the scene that the Janitor found looks like...I never actually drew it. After all, I imagine it could be pretty awful, and I don't care to draw REALISTIC violence (funny-ish cartoon violence is one thing, but drawing that's just sick)

Here's a new one. As you can see, Nate and Danny are on the top. Danny looks a bit unusual though; that's because I'm thinking of giving him a scimitar, possibly and olde-style pistol, and one earring, instead of or in addition to his axe. Instead of might be nice, as it gives him a big range of weapons! There are other gems in the doodle if you look!

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well, I think we're slowly approaching catching up to the comics I'm drawing. I've finished number 30, since I started drawing them a while before this site was up, or even before I had any intention of making a site. It's number 16, people (applause!).

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I REALLY like this one!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

50 Unique Views!

Since only Thursday, when I began watching the number of visits and from what area using Google Analytics (a great free tool, for any others out there with websites), I've had 50 separate people view the website, including some regular reader from Shanghai! If you're reading this, Mr. Shanghai person, I'm letting you know you're awesome!

So, 50 views already! Quite an achievement, and 64% of viewers return. SWEET!


Whoah. This one's obviously Nate on some sort of mission! And take the time to appreciate the "artwork!" The bottom-right panel is showing Nate's legs as he runs.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Cooking a Beat

Entertaining video about how to cook the perfect beat. The best cooking show ever!


TOABN 13, people. You have to love the second panel. So dramatic! And over something so...unimportant (though to Nate it is more important than anything).

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Done with the Thesis, Baby!

FINALLY! I've done it! I've written it! I've completed a long, thoroughly thought out, and (hopefully!) well-written paper on American history. Believe it or not, it's called "A Laughing Matter: How Watergate Changed American Political Humor". That's right. My HUGE Junior Thesis essay is about humor, and it's incredible. I just hope that Wilbach (the one grading it) agrees.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Haikus Are Easy

This is a great picture! It sounds like something I would write myself!

Friday, March 9, 2007


Here we've got number 12! It's Nate and Alfred, battling, which is, alone awesome.
And now that you've (hopefully) read the comic, you won't mind me saying I love the second panel! DODGE!