Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Blog! No Snow, State of the Union, Global Warming, and Creationism

So, here I'm starting up a blog, "Tales of a Bored Ninja", and I am getting a scanner soon so that I can post some of my awesome and random drawings. I'll also include some any fantabulous (that's right, fantabulous) websites that I come across, most likely through my unceasing StumbleUpon-ing. Anyways, as of this post, the blog is up and running!

BTW, you have no idea how disappointed I was this morning. I wake up, look out my window to see snow, the FIRST "real" snow of the season, and then realize that 1/2 an inch of powder isn't going to cancel school. And since snow = cold, and I'm not skiing, pelting people with snowballs, or missing school, it's terrible!

I'm going to add something after Bush's State of the Union Address. Apparently, he is going to talk about his plan for the US to combat global warming, which is great, except for one thing. In his last State of the Union Address, he talked about America being "addicted to oil", and how we must fight that addiction...but I didn't notice any action, just talk. All the while, the US Armed Forces, especially the Airforce and Navy, have been burning up millions of gallons of oil to power their vehicles. In addition, I believe that this war was likely over oil. Not to mention that the US government has tried to deny the connection between gasses released by burning fossil fuels and the rise in temperature. Sure, it's only a theory, but there is a great deal of supporting evidence, just like for the theory for evolution.

Of course, Kansas had no problem throwing that out the window, since it considers creationism to be a science. One thing that bothers me about creationists is that they insist that until "God" is proven to be nonexistent, it is logically possible that he could exist. This is WRONG! The burden of proof is upon you, believers. Until scientific evidence is presented that supports the idea of "God", we must logically assume that "God" does not exist. In logic, everything is untrue until proven to be true. There is no idea as "maybe it's true, since it hasn't been disproven".


Unknown said...

sweet getting the blog up. I have a scanner if you want me to scan anything. It'd be useful to have a record of those giant ninja battles too.
-Jesse Von Bismark

KrazyHades said...

Yah, I'm definitely putting up the crazy ninja battles. And I love the name, Jesse Von Bismark!