Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This poem more or less shows what how I feel about those quiet repetitive sounds at night which sometimes keep me awake. It seems to me as if I am almost excitedly waiting for the next one, even as I wish they would just stop and let me sleep...

A Slow Sound in the Night
By Me (KrazyHades)

You lie there in the dark,
Staring at the ceiling
And it stares back at you
A million miles away

A beep stabs the darkness,
A needle pricking sleep
It fires through the silence,
And shatters drowsy thoughts

It comes again, this sound,
Intruding on your rest
So regular and paced,
Mechanical and fake

The monotone returns,
And you strain ears to hear
Its repititious child
Still hiding in the night

Your life reduced to sound
Beep. . .beep. . .beep
Awaiting eagerly,
You cannot but listen

You cannot sleep nor think
You cannot wake nor doze
Bound into the pattern
Imprisoned in the beeps

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awsome to the Max dude!!